I grew up in the mountains of Northern New Mexico, did my undergraduate work at the University of Colorado at Boulder, my graduate work at Northwestern University, just north of Chicago, and am now back in the holy land.
This is my sister. That explains it, I think.
This is the Unabomber, whom I met my first year here
at NU. The day before this picture was taken it was one degree warmer
at the South Pole than it was in Chicago: twenty-one below zero.
And this is my mom...
And this is my older sister, my dad, myself, and my little sister, up
in the mountains. Why are we in T-shirts and my older sister is all
bundled up? And why the heck did these picture scans come out so dark?
And these are some awfully tough looking ruffians we encountered while
fishing in Wisconsin.
This is my ex-roommate,
demonstrating proper training in the ways of obedient servants, er, roommates.
You know how everyone's dad at one point had a really cool car and then
got rid of it? Well mine hung on to at least one of his cool cars, and
when he started grumbling fool talk about selling it, I bought it.
It is a 1969 Mercury Cougar 351W, with 214,000 original miles on it;
it even has the original muffler.
By golly, that's such a cool car that it deserves another picture:
What a worldly looking pair, eh?
Speaking of dads, one summer my dad and I took a trip to France; we
spent a week in Bordeaux and a week in Paris. This picture,
with an uncommonly rude Frenchman scowling over his shoulder at us,
was taken at the resort town of Arcachon.
Back behind the house.
This is Mr. Laeser, high school teacher, basketball superstar, originator
of many things weird, and a mentor of sorts.
Finally, these are the Lords of the Household, posessors of all which enters
within sight or sound: the two Stinky Boys, weighing in at around sixteen
pounds each.
There's one hot tomato, eh? Click here
for more pictures of my midwestern relatives.
Last Updated: 5/8/99
Stephen L. Judd
sjudd@ffd2.com --