This is my grandmother, who was born in 1900. I have this theory
about the upper midwest: basically, the climate is so harsh, that if
you can survive to age fourteen your body is so toughened that you
live forever.
And this is my grandfather, who died before I was born (I think).
On the left there is some Jezebel he must have found hanging out
at the airport. On the right is the east side lake in Austin, MN
(home of the Hormel meat packing plant, among other things).
This is my favorite uncle, Uncle Dick. I believe he was born with
the beard.
This is my, ummm, aunt, Sharon. A distant aunt. She may have been
left on the doorstop by a band of marauding gypsies. Sensitive viewers
or viewers with children should excercise caution.
This is my cousin, Gary, who works out in the DC area.
And this is my 2nd cousin Ryan, with his girlfriend, with smoke coming
out of his car, from an incendiary device placed there by his loving