Amatuer Astronomy
As viewed from a rank amateur!
My story
How I got started in amateur astronomy.
My scope
The scope I use -- a souped up 8 inch Newtonian (Celestron Starhopper)
on buying astronomical equipment.
on observing objects, especially observing from Los Alamos.
Pajarito Astronomers
My local astronomy club.
Albuquerque Astronomical Society
Another big club, now offering ATM classes.
Small Dob
homepage -- lots of resources for the small Dob owner.
Todd Gross's
homepage -- helpful information, equipment reviews, and links.
Orion Telescope
homepage -- a great company and informative page.
Eagle Optics
An excellent company to deal with. I bought all my optics from them.
Sky and Telescope
Hopefully this page will expand in the future, with e.g. observing reports, useful info, pictures, etc.
Last Updated: 2/10/99
Stephen Judd