\centerline{\bf How to Trisect an Angle} \centerline{without significant physical injury} \vskip 1cm {\sl Stephen Judd 7/1/93 Los Alamos National Laboratory / Northwestern University judd@sgt-york.lanl.gov} \vskip 1cm {\bf Abstract} {\it There are three ways to get something done: \qquad 1. Hire someone else to do it. \qquad 2. Do it yourself. \qquad 3. Forbid your children from doing it.} \vskip .1cm In this paper I present an iterative method of trisecting an angle, where each iteration involves the use of a compass and a straight-edge. The method has an error of about $10^{-{N\over 2}}$, where $N$ is the number of iterations. \vskip 1cm {\bf Fi-Fi } It can be easily shown that $$\eqalign{ 2^n &= 3z + 1,\qquad {\rm n\ even}\cr 2^n &= 3z - 1,\qquad {\rm n\ odd}\cr} \eqno(1)$$ where $z$ is some integer, naturally different for different integer $n$. This is simply an artifact of the fact that any multiple of two is one away from a multiple of three. Duplicating angles is a simple thing to do with a compass and a straight-edge. Simply draw a circle around the angle, with the apex of the angle as the center of the circle. By drawing a line between the two points of the intersection of the angle with the circle, a unique isoceles triangle is formed for that angle. Hence, by using a compass the length of this third side is known, as is the radius of the circle, hence the angle may be reproduced. Everyone knows how to bisect an angle using a compass. \vskip 1cm {\bf The Method} Let us say that we are given an angle $\alpha$ to trisect. First bisect the angle. This gives us two angles each of size $\alpha \over 2$. Next add one of these half-angles to $\alpha$, which gives us an angle of $3\alpha\over 2$. Bisect this angle, and bisect the bisection. This leaves us with an angle of size $$\alpha ^\prime = {3\over 8}\alpha = .375\alpha.$$ Next, add this new angle $\alpha^\prime$ to $\alpha$, and bisect it twice. This gives a new angle of $$\alpha^{\prime\prime} = {11\over 32}\alpha = .343\alpha.$$ If we again add and bisect twice we get $$\alpha^{\prime\prime\prime} = {43\over 128}\alpha = .336\alpha.$$ The next three terms are $$\alpha^{(4)} = {171\over 512}\alpha = .3339\alpha$$ $$\alpha^{(5)} = {683\over 2048}\alpha = .3334\alpha$$ $$\alpha^{(6)} = {2731\over 8192}\alpha = .33337\alpha.$$ As you can see, $\alpha^{(i)}$ is rapidly converging to ${1\over 3}\alpha$. The error decreases by about an order of magnitude every two iterations. \vskip 1cm {\bf Analysis} The iterations generate a sequence of numbers $x_i$, where $$x_{i+1} = {1\over 4}(x_i + 1)\eqno(2)$$ or $$x_i = {1 + \sum_{j=1}^i 2^{2j-1}\over 2^{2i+1}}.$$ However, by using equation (1) we can also write the sequence as $$x_i = {z_1\over 3z_2 - 1}$$ where $z_1$ and $z_2$ are each some integer and $n$ is some odd integer. In fact, if we look at the first term in the iteration $({3\over 8}\alpha)$, we see that $z_2 = z_1$. Let us then assume that this property holds for all $x_i$, that is, $$x_i = {z\over 3z-1}\eqno(3)$$ for some integer $z$. From equation (2) we see that $$\eqalign{x_{i+1} &= {1\over 4}\Bigl({z\over 3z-1} + 1\Bigr)\cr &= {4z - 1\over 4(3z-1)}\cr &= {z^\prime \over 3z^\prime - 1}\cr}$$ where $$z^\prime = 4z - 1.$$ It is then clear that successive iterations preserve the property in equation (3), so that each term in the sequence is of the form $$z\over 3z-1.$$ This can be rewritten as $${1\over 3} {z\over z - {1\over 3}}$$ or, after doing the very important step of making the equation look really mathematically suave, $${1\over 3}{z\over z - \epsilon}, \qquad \epsilon < 1 < z.$$ Since z is monotonically increasing, it is clear that this sequence approaches $1\over 3$ in the limit. Therefore, successive application of the aforementioned iterative process yields highly desirable results wherein the angle in question is thrice reduced. \vskip 1cm {\bf Conclusions} Hang on... \bye