SCPU Software Repair Center
You know how it is... you think of that piece of software that will
be just gorgeous with a SuperCPU, boot it up, and... pfzzzt! Auugh!
Well, the purpose of this page is to address that little problem, in
its own little way. The page contains software which has been fixed up
to work well with the SCPU and with other CMD products. Yes, they
qualify as warez. Therefore you, as a responsible member of the 64
community, ought to buy a copy if the chance arises, and support the
few people still supporting the C= community.
NOTE: It has come to my attention that programs do not always work
right with v2 SCPUs. Later versions have stack and zero-page mirroring
turned OFF, and for some strange reason this can hose these programs.
Therefore, if funny stuff happens, try turning on mirroring (turning
off all optimizations).
To un-ZIP these files on a C64, visit
Errol Smith's homepage
or Pasi's homepage
and download C64ZIP.
So, here is the MASSIVE LIST 'O WAR3Z!!@!
- pppatch.aa.o PeekPokePatch -- patches
peek, poke, sys, load, save to use 24-bit addresses. (This one actually
- Stunt-car Racer (6/01 version;
much more stable than old version).
- Rescue On Fractalus
- Stellar 7
Here are some related links:
Rescue on Fractalus
- Manual
Reminiscing web site -- screenshots and David Fox interview.
Electronic Games magazine article on Lucasfilm and Rescue
on Fractalus
(also here).
Just ignore the "fractile" comments...
- Resume
of David Fox, Rescue on Fractalus project leader.
Stellar 7
- Try searching the web for "Damon Slye" (the author), who has
gone on to write a number of games.