Nedski -- a quick hack to allow editing of PETSCII and ASCII files. Quick reference, v1.0, 10/21/00 SYS 4096 to start, resetting all text SYS 4099 to restart editor without erasing current text C=-INST - Toggle insert mode shift-return - Insert a new line cursor keys, return - What you would expect insert, delete - Likewise shift-clear - Clear all text HOME - Set bookmark C=-HOME - Goto bookmark R/S - Forwards tab (move to next field) shift-R/S - Backwards tab F2 - Exit to BASIC F7 - Disk menu CTRL-a - Delete characters to right of cursor -d - Delete line -D - Delete multiple lines -e - Toggle edit mode (PETSCII or ASCII) -b/n - Move to beginning/end of line -B/N - Move to beginning/end of text -c/x - Copy/cut lines to clipboard -p - Paste line from clipboard -j/k - Move 40 columns left/right (max 240 columns) -i/m - Move 25 rows up/down -g - Goto line # -f/F - Find / Force new find -l/L - Find label -o - Oops -- undo changes to current line -= - Comment line of equals-signs -^ - Comment line of * -lira - Comment line of - -Z - Re-format all text -shift- <- - Exit to BASIC (SYS $1003 to re-enter) -1 thru 8 - Go to buffer 1-8 * Text is stored starting at $020000 -- SuperRAM is _REQUIRED_!!! * Upon exiting to BASIC, PPPatch is enabled, adding hexidecimal numbers to BASIC (like, SYS $1000 will work) and load/save to/from (super)RAM (like, LOAD"blah",8,$123456 will work, as will SAVE"yak",12,$0200,$ff0000) For more info, go to Memory Map ---------- $1000-$3000 Editor $8000 Clip buffer $020000- Text